Our Commitments
Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership (MGTP) is determined to integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in the management of its activities by adopting policies and directives aligned with its objectives.

The protection of the environment is part of values of MGT and its employees. MGT’s activities are governed by an environmental policy and two environmental certifications. MGT stands out notably for our electric rubber tire gantry cranes, a first in Canada!
Environmental Policy
MGT’s activities are governed by our environmental policy.
ISO14001 certification
MGT has been operating an ISO14001 compliant environmental management system since 2004.

Green Marine
STMG has been a proud member of the Green Marine environmental certification program since 2009. MGT’s results are public on the Green Marine website.

Health and Safety
MGT recognizes the importance of providing a healthy and safe work environment for everyone in its facilities and participating in its activities, whether for its employees, service providers, clients or visitors. MGT aims to prevent accidents, injuries and occupational diseases.
Occupational Health and Safety Policy
MGT’s activities are governed by the occupational health and safety policy.
Occupational Health and Safety Directives
MGT develops health and safety guidelines (in french only) that guide workers in their work.

Marine Facilities Security
MGT takes its responsibility for the security of our facilities, goods and people seriously. We ensure that we are rigorous and compliant with the Marine Transportation Security Regulations. Everyone who enters MGT facilities is made aware of port facility security.
Partner in Protection
MGT is a member of Canada Border Services Agency in the Partner in Protection program. This program is designed to ensure the security of marine facilities and the import/export border at our terminals.

Community Relations
Montreal Port Authority Good Neighbor Committee
MGT is an active participant in the Montreal Port Authority’s Good Neighbor Committees. MGT takes advantage of these committees to announce upcoming projects and to gather citizens’ concerns.
Community Involvement
Since 2021, MGT participates in the clean-up of the Promenade Bellerive Park and the MGT security team helps to distribute Christmas baskets in the Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve borough. MGT employees also participated in a tree planting activity in Pointe-aux-Trembles in 2022.
Suggestion and Complaint Procedure
MGT is aware of its proximity to the residents of the Mercier-Hochelaga-Maisonneuve borough. To submit a suggestion, comment or complaint, please refer to the Montreal Port Authority’s procedure.

Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Policy
MGT recognizes the importance of protecting personal information. MGT complies with the relevant laws and regulations by putting in place the necessary measures to prevent breaches of privacy.
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Policy
MGT’s activities are governed by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Policy (in french only).
Personal Information Access or Complaint Procedure
The Risk Management Department receives requests for access to personal information and privacy complaints.